Welcome to the official website of the
Forest Regional Residents'
Civic Association (FRRCA)
Our mission is to foster our wonderfully diverse community and maintain the quality of life in the West Brighton, Sunset Hill, Brighton Heights, Silver Lake, Livingston and Randall Manor neighborhoods. Speaking up on behalf of our residents, researching issues, distributing information and working with elected officials will be our priority.
Make a donation to FRRCA
Support the work of our civic association.
Make a donation using Venmo. Click here.
Mail us a donation
Make check to "Forest Regional Residents' Civic Association" and mail to
Neil Anastasio
500 Bard Ave, Staten Island, NY 10310
Donations to the Forest Regional Residents' Civic Association help support meeting services, and charitable
endeavors that the organization undertakes. All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.