About Us
The Forest Regional Residents’ Civic Association was founded in the 1960s to address issues of concern to the Forest Avenue surrounding area. In the 1980s and 90s we completed the largest community generated residential “downsizing" New York City had ever seen! Also, we sponsored graffiti busting days, food drives and picketed to stop a Burger King from being built on Forest Ave where the CVS is now.
The mission of the Forest Regional Residents’ Civic Association (FRRCA) is to foster our wonderfully diverse community and maintain the quality of life in the West Brighton, Brighton Heights, Silver Lake, Livingston and Sunset Hill neighborhoods. Speaking up on behalf of our residents, researching issues, distributing information and working with elected officials and neighboring civic associations will be our priority.
Encourage public participation and awareness within the community.
Encourage and implement neighborhood improvements and beautification projects.
Help preserve and maintain our neighborhoods with the support of the residents, businesses and government.
Encourage residents to buy locally – put your dollars back where you live, work and play!
Encourage new business in our area and welcome new residents.
Act on community concerns and engage public officials and agencies in this endeavor.
Neil Anastasio: President/ Treasurer
Michael Schnall: Vice President/ Political Liaison
Laura McCarthy: City Agency Liaison/ Neighborhood Representative
Elizabeth Anastasio: Events Chairperson
Jill Synmoie: Communications Liaison
Pamela Minkoff: Recording Secretary
Celia Engelson: Member at Large
Samuel Cosmo Schiff: Business Liaison
Kristin Daggan: Liaison to the S.I. Business Outreach Center (SIBOC)
West Brighton History
Originally known as "Factoryville," Islanders now commonly refer to the area as West Brighton. Some parts of the neighborhood closer to the shoreline are referred to as "Livingston" and or "Randall Manor". This area of Staten Island was originally settled by the Dutch in the 1600s, who were then followed by English settlers. During the American Revolution residents of West Brighton overtly remained loyal to the Crown. Successive waves of immigrants to the US then led to the area becoming populated by the Irish, followed by Italians. Today, the neighborhood consists mostly of Irish, Germans, African Americans, and Hispanics.
The oldest continually operating cricket club in the US was established in West Brighton in 1872, at the site now operated as Walker Park. The Staten Island Cricket Club still has matches there. This is also the site of the first lawn tennis court in the US, built in 1873.
The neighborhood was transformed in the years following World War II. Two large public housing developments were built . The first, the Markham Homes, was originally built to house the families of shipyard & defense workers. The West Brighton Houses followed. Starting in 2004 tenants in The Markham Homes were evicted, so the site might be redeveloped. As of 2007 all tenants had been relocated. While claims had been made that many residents would be able to return into the redeveloped area, few have been able to.[1]
Since the late 90s the area has seen a reduction in some crime rates. Richmond Terrace, which is the main thoroughfare along the Kill Van Kull waterfront, is home to several shipyards and tugboat companies. The area south of Forest Avenue, continues to be home to some of West Brighton's more affluent residents including politicians, lawyers, judges and professionals (particularly in the "Sunset Hill" portion east of Broadway).